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Far Eastern Scientific Center, USSR Academy of Sciences (1970-1986)

By the beginning of the seventies a developed system of academic research institutions has been formed in the Far East that could influence the growth of productive forces of the region, its economic, technical, and defensive potential. That period of time in the government scientific policy was characterized by intensive development of fundamental science in the Far East.
In October 1970 the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences issued a decree to organize the Far Eastern Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences based on the research organizations of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Main tasks of the Far Eastern Scientific Center were as follows:
extension of fundamental research in natural and social sciences; solution of scientific problems to promote rapid growth of economy and productive forces of the Far East; training of qualified research staff; coordination of studies carried out by the Far Eastern scientific institutions of the Academy of Sciences, ministries, offices and higher educational institutions.
The Far Eastern Scientific Center consisted of 8 institutes:
Far Eastern Geological Institute, Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences, Institute of Biologically Active Substances (since 1972 - Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry), Institute of Marine Biology, Institute of Volcanology, Khabarovsk North-Eastern and Sakhalin Integrated Research Institutes.
For the next three years seven more institutes were organized:

in Vladivostok
Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Automation and Control Processes (including the Computing Center), Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Pacific Institute of Geography, Pacific Oceanological Institute

in Khabarovsk
Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics
Institute of Economic Research (1976)

in Magadan
Institute of Biological Problems of the North.

Then the process of setting up of new institutes slowed down and the efforts were aimed at the development of already existed institutes, namely formation of their scientific themes, growth of qualification and number of scientific staff and strengthening of material base for science development.
This period of time was characterized by a shift from description and inventory of the natural resources to more thorough experimental study and theoretical generalization of the natural processes and phenomena. The institutes worked on serious fundamental problems, which were still due to tasks of the science and technology progress, the complex development of natural resources and rapid growth of the productive forces in the Far East. The resolution of the Central Committee of the USSR Communist Party "On Activities of the Far Eastern Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences Related to the Development of Fundamental and Applied Studies, Increase of their Efficiency and Introduction of Scientific Achievements into the National Economy" marked an essential role of the Far Eastern Scientific Center in solving these problems. It was indicated in particular that results of the fundamental studies obtained by the institutes of this Center in the field of geology and geophysics served as a basis for discovery of many deposits of precious metals and rare elements. Studies of earthquakes, volcanic activities, texture of the Pacific Ocean bottom permitted to make up seismic maps of the Far East region and reveal regularities of dynamics in the ocean water masses. Biologically active substances obtained by biochemists from flora and fauna of the World Ocean were utilized to produce valuable medicines. Based on investigations of economic and social problems of the Far East, some recommendations were made for economic development of this region and the eastern zone of Baikal - Amur rail road.
Studies were performed on history, archaeology and ethnography of the Far East.
The decree of the Council of Ministers, USSR, 1980: "About the Measures on Strengthening the Material Base for Research Activity and Improvement of Living Conditions of Workers of the Far Eastern Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences " provided a range of important measures for further development of the center.
An offer of the USSR Academy of Sciences was accepted to establish five more institutes in 1980-1984.
According to the decree, the following institutes were founded:
in 1980 - Amur Integrated Research Institute in Blagoveschensk,
In 1981 - Computing Center in Khabarovsk,
In 1983 - Mining Institute in Khabarovsk and Institute of Ocean Economics,
In 1987 - Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radiowaves Propagation in the settlement of Paratunka, Kamchatsky region.
The Far Eastern Scientific Center also included the Special Design Office of Automation Facilities for Marine Research in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

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